Seeking a remedy for stress and the opportunity to reset herself, Marilyn Kleemann ventured into the outback on a journey of physical, mental, and emotional healing. Eight months on, she shares what she discovered. 

I am sure you have recently heard of the phrase, “Get out of your own way” but what does that really mean? I have been pondering upon this recently and ironically, a situation occurred that pushed me to the edge of my comfort zone, creating emotions of instability, uncertainty and I will admit, compulsive thinking of “What if…?” from an unproductive view point. However, it was not until I recognised that I needed to step back and let go of the unproductive thoughts, that I really understood what it meant to get out of my own way.

It is my belief that we are spiritual beings or souls inhabiting this human form that we call a body. In this sense, we are two beings and therefore possess two brains. Our human brain is keeping our human body functioning, logical and practical thoughts, learning new skills, etc. Our spiritual brain or soul connection is related to the sixth sense of intuition, clairvoyance and even that uncomfortable feeling when another person invades your personal space.

It is my view that our Spiritual Self knows exactly what our purpose is for the current life we live but our Human Self does not. Therefore, the human gets in the way of Spirit by creating emotions such as fear and anger which disrupt the energy flow. Our Spiritual Self is connected to excitement and love. These uplifting emotions let us know we’re flowing towards our purpose and happiness. Our feelings are raised, our energy is high and this attracts more experiences of excitement and happiness. Equally, feeling fear and anger creates more experiences to fear and be angry about.

So, let go of your human brain’s need for worry and fear. Relax, and allow your Spiritual brain to guide you to love, joy and fulfilment, simply by paying attention to your inspired thought without allowing the doubts of your human brain invade, keeping you in mediocrity. You have within you, the ability and resources to fulfil every inspired thought. Relax, and allow it to come to you. I Believe in You.

Readers also enjoyed Marilyn’s story about overcoming fear.