In celebration of International Day of Happiness on Tuesday 20 March, respected author Catherine Plano explains seven basic brain functions one can activate and re-wire to achieve feelings of happiness.

According to Plano, an increase in dopamine can amplify an individual’s sense of happiness. Dopamine is a chemical  that is used by the nerves to send messages to the brain. When dopamine levels are depleted, the messages can’t be transmitted properly, which can have a negative impact on one’s mental state, such as procrastination and self-doubt. To increase dopamine levels, having regular, little achievements is helpful.

In addition, one should aim to sleep for eight hours per day and perform regular exercise.

Exercise not only increases dopamine, but endorphins as well, which is released into the bloodstream and leaves one feeling more energised and less stressed.

Laughter is another way to release endorphins, as well as eating dark chocolate and spicy foods studies suggest.

Another way to increase feelings of happiness is oxytocin, which allows intimacy, trust and strong relationships to happen. Recently, research studies state a hug for up to twenty seconds a day releases oxytocin.

Serotonin allows one to feel satisfied, accomplished and important. Taking a few moments to reflect on past achievements and engaging in acts of kindness can increase serotonin levels.

The amygdala, the ‘primal’ part of the brain, processes negative feedback and can generate fear within an individual. Regularly replacing old ‘programmes’ – feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness – with new, less negative ones can lead the negative responses to become weaker and fewer.

Reflecting on happy memories is another way to increase happiness, which can be done by activating the hippocampus, an associative memory system in the brain.

Lastly, generated by the pre-frontal cortex, possessing self-control over certain aspects of one’s life, such as eating vegetables, can allow a sense of happiness to transpire.

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