Seeking a remedy for stress and the opportunity to reset herself, Marilyn Kleemann ventured into the outback on a journey of physical, mental, and emotional healing. Eight months on, she shares what she discovered. 

Searching for my passion, I decided to immerse myself in my love of nature by riding my bike along the Simpsons Gap Bike Path and back. This is a 34 kilometre round trip from Flynn’s Grave Memorial on Larapinta Drive to Simpsons Gap, only five kilometres from the Alice Springs central business district. I had been longing to ride this path again so I created the time to do this on my day off. As I rode my bike, I absorbed the natural beauty that completely surrounded me. The scent of the eucalyptus. The breeze brushing over my skin as I rode. The gracefulness of the birds of prey and the joyful songs of the parrots and budgies.

In the midst of this glorious ride on a gloriously sunny day, in an uplifted state of being, I repeatedly asked myself, “What is my passion?”, “What is my purpose?” The answer came to me but I questioned it. “Really? Is that it?” When I reviewed my life until this point, it made so much sense. There was a common thread from childhood through to the present moment. I discovered I had a passion for writing. I loved to write letters as a child. In fact, I still do. English was my favourite subject at school, especially in primary school when we had to write stories. I have always kept a diary. When I feel emotional, I express my feelings on paper because it helps me to remove the confusion of thoughts swirling through my mind. Expressing myself in written form has been the theme throughout my life.

When I came to this conclusion, I also understood my need for two other aspects in order for peace and harmony to prevail within my body, mind, heart and spirit. I discovered my foundational needs are a daily connection to Mother Nature and silence. The very next day, I began a daily practice at dawn, of connecting to Mother Nature and to my spiritual self through meditation. Dawn is the most peaceful, tranquil and beautiful time of the day. Beginning my day encapsulated in peace creates a day filled with love and positivity.

To discover your passion, create the time to connect with Mother Nature. She is ready, and waiting for you to connect with her.

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