Seeking a remedy for stress and the opportunity to reset herself, Marilyn Kleemann ventured into the outback on a journey of physical, mental, and emotional healing. Eight months on, she shares what she discovered. 

So many people are searching for their passion and purpose in life. That one thing that brings joy and fulfillment to their lives. The general advice is to find something you love and do that. Well, I don’t know about you but I love lots of things. I love reading, writing, cooking, baking, being surrounded by the natural environment.

Meditating outside at sunrise makes my heart sing, as does witnessing the spectacular displays by Mother Nature, listening to music, and educating myself on using nutritional foods as medicine. I am intrigued by learning more about my personal growth and development and having sessions with my wellbeing coach.

I love training with a personal trainer, expressing gratitude and appreciation for the opportunities I create, intelligent conversations with like-minded people … it is a long list. And I am sure your list is long too. So how do you narrow it down to one thing?

Firstly, it’s extremely important to remove yourself from distraction, temptation and negative influence. These may include television, newspapers, gossip magazines, work colleagues, friends and/or family and toxic relationships. Television and social media were a huge distraction and time waster for me. Advertising and marketing made me think I needed ‘stuff’ when in actual fact, I already had everything I could ever need or want. I was in a toxic relationship. Not due to violence or abuse but because the ‘honeymoon’ was over and we discovered we had nothing in common. Our needs for fulfillment and connection weren’t alive anymore.

If you’re searching for passion and purpose in your life, consider asking yourself these questions; what or who is distracting me from discovering my passion and purpose, what or who is tempting me away from discovering my passion and purpose, what or who is influencing me and in what direction is the influence occurring – optimistic or pessimistic.

Write down the first thing that comes to mind when answering these questions. Doing this taps into your subconscious which always tells the truth – do not let your logical brain dismiss your first thought.

Allow yourself time to write everything that comes to mind. When you feel there is nothing more to be said, put the pen down and take a few deep breathes. Then reflect on what you have written.

Do you have a story to share? Get in touch to contribute to The West End Magazine.