Artists from Fish Lane Studios will be attending the MeetUp for FabrianoInAcquarello in Italy this year, taking part alongside more than 70 participating countries.

FabrianoInAcquarello promotes creative exchange between international watercolorists, supporting the traditional techniques and promoting new creativity for the involvement of new generations.

Wynetha Vogel, Creative Director of Fish Lane says, “at least six or seven of our Australian Watercolour Artists [are] heading off to join me in Fabriano for the five days or so.”

Ms Vogel will also be representing Fish Lane Studios at two exhibitions in France. Her work has been selected for the Second Biennial International Watercolor exhibition in Coquelles.

Similar in aims to the Italian festival, the Coquelles exhibition aims to promote the possibilities offered by watercolour and its creative opportunities. The local artist is also one of only three non-French artists whose work will be on display at the Aquarell’Eure, a European watercolour exhibition.

“I’ve been working up the outlines for the Workshops that will go with the Exhibitions and [I am] really looking forward to it,” Ms Vogel says.

Other works selected for exhibition include the Colours of Kata Tjuta/Uluru and the Snow Gums – Strathbogie Ranges I.

Ms Vogel’s art encompasses drawn work, oil and acrylic glazing, pastel and mixed media work on paper, canvas and other substrates, as well as built installations.

She has previously worked with the Art Program at St Vincent’s Private Hospital Brisbane to create unique works for the hospital.

Ms Vogel’s works are available to view and purchase at Fish Lane Studios.

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