Seeking a remedy for stress and the opportunity to reset herself, Marilyn Kleemann ventured into the outback on a journey of physical, mental, and emotional healing. Eight months on, she shares what she discovered.  If you have concluded who, what and why you are being distracted, tempted and negatively influenced by, and taken action to distance yourself from these, then the next action to discovering your passion is to allow yourself to be engulfed in stillness.

I do this often by visiting the spectacular natural creations in the Western MacDonnell Ranges. Find a special creation by Mother Nature that resonates with you or simply submerge yourself in your favourite space to create a peaceful environment. Silence and stillness away from man made noises brings inner peace. It is magical. I believe many human beings have lost their connection with Mother Nature due to the busyness of life but this connection is vital in order to feed the soul and receive answers to your questions. It is in a state of peace and tranquillity where the best decisions are made. In the silence and stillness of your mind, close your eyes and ask yourself, “What is my passion? What brings me joy more than anything else?” The answer may not come to you straight away because like me, you may enjoy numerous experiences. That is okay. Do not force the answer. You may need to revisit your silent, peaceful place a number of times before you receive the answer.

Also, be aware that once you have planted the seed of discovering your passion, you may receive the answer whilst completing a task that does not require complex thought such as doing housework or during your exercise routine. Be open and receptive to your thoughts. If you receive an answer that you are unsure of, return to your peaceful, silent place and visualise yourself in action of this answer. Does it feel comfortable? Can you see a connection to past actions and feelings of joy and exhilaration? If so, then its highly likely this is your passion.

When I discovered my passion, I wondered why I had not figured it out sooner. Upon review, there was a common thread throughout my life but it wasn’t obvious until I actively sought the answer. My feelings upon my discovery were of quiet, peaceful joy because it was suddenly so obvious. So, seek silence. Seek peace. Be ready for the answer to arrive at the most random moment.

Readers also enjoyed Marilyn’s article, Finding Purpose.